Vedran Hrustanovic was born on July 5th 1982 in Sarajevo. In 1992 he finished "Silvije Strahimir Kranjevic" elementary school and in 2001 graduated from the First Academy in Sarajevo, one of the most prestigious high schools in the region. After graduation he enrolled in the Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts in the department of Product Design. In 2005 he earned his first professional production designer credit for a talent show for local Bosnian television. In 2007 he completes his first film as production designer, the film is the short "Ship of Fools" ("La nef des fous") by young Belgium director Mathiass Leneer. In 2008 he completed several projects as production designer, most notably the feature film "Snow" ("Snijeg") by Aida Begic and the TV show "Blood isn't Water ("Krv nije Voda") by Enver Puska. In 2009 he worked as the production designer on the feature film "Jasmina" by Nedzad Begovic, several commercials for renowned regional clients in addition to several projects for the City of Sarajevo. In 2010 he was the production designer on the short film "Snovi" ("Dreams) by Reshad Kulenovic and on the feature "The Show Must Go On" by Ahmed Imamovic in addition to several commercials. Vedran Hrustanvoic is a member of the Association of Visual Artists in Bosnian-Herzegovina. He works and lives in Sarajevo. Vedran is the son of the famous Bosnian Art Director Kemal Hrustanovic.