Born on December 12th 1950 in Sarajevo. The script “The Actor is...”, written and performed by Zijah Sokolović, was translated on several languages and had been played in more than 20 countries in the world. During the 1980‘s, besides dramas, roles in many TV series and films, Zijah Sokolović performed in Kamerni teather 55 in Sarajevo. In the last 8 years Sokolovic lives, acts and directs in Austria and Slovenia. He is director of the kid’s theater Theaterland in Salzburg, teacher of acting at the Bruckner Konservatorium in Linz, the art director at the festival Dežela gledališča in Ljubljana and artistic leader of the Dramatic society project.
He was acting in many feature films (Remake, Miris dunja, Bife Titanik, Gluvi barut)
In the feature film “Jasmina” directed by Nedžad Begović he played the leading role.
He was acting in many feature films (Remake, Miris dunja, Bife Titanik, Gluvi barut)
In the feature film “Jasmina” directed by Nedžad Begović he played the leading role.