International airport Sarajevo is located a few kilometers southwest of Sarajevo. The quality of work, safety of passengers and airplanes made the Sarajevo Airport the best in Europe among the airports with turnover of million passengers per year.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Telecommunication system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is developed to the modern standards in the world. With present capacity it is possible to give all kind of telecommunication services in more than 225 countries in the world.
BANK SYSTEM - Convertible mark or KM is official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1KM : 0,51129 EURO, 1KM : 1,45 USD).
ROAD SYSTEM - The preparation for building of modern highway, which will connect north and south of the country, have started. This highway will be part of European 5C corridor.
HEALTH CARE - Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially city of Sarajevo, has well developed health infrastructure. More than 40% of all capacity and personnel are located in Sarajevo.The Emergency is at disposal for 24 hours, the number is 124.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Telecommunication system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is developed to the modern standards in the world. With present capacity it is possible to give all kind of telecommunication services in more than 225 countries in the world.
BANK SYSTEM - Convertible mark or KM is official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1KM : 0,51129 EURO, 1KM : 1,45 USD).
ROAD SYSTEM - The preparation for building of modern highway, which will connect north and south of the country, have started. This highway will be part of European 5C corridor.
HEALTH CARE - Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially city of Sarajevo, has well developed health infrastructure. More than 40% of all capacity and personnel are located in Sarajevo.The Emergency is at disposal for 24 hours, the number is 124.