Born in 1943. Sarajevo. He studied Civil engineering. Was involved in amateur film from 1959 to 1966. Won many awards for amateur films. Became professional filmmaker in 1966, first as assistant director in more than thirty feature films. Directed twelve documentaries and one feature film. Some significant awards: “Golden Dragon” Grand Prix Krasow 1976, “Frispeci” critics award, San Sebastijan 1987, “Milton Manaki” critics award 1976, 1977, 1981, Silver medal “Beograd” 1981, Grand Prix “Beograd” 1981, Grand Prix “Don Quijote” Krakow 1976, Grand Prix Special, Teheran 1977.
As one of SAGA’s directors during the war, he was the author of films such as “A Message to My Friends”, “Bums & Dogs”, “Amela’s School Holidays”. "Prometheus", "Nato" and "Markale".
Died in Sarajevo in 1996.
As one of SAGA’s directors during the war, he was the author of films such as “A Message to My Friends”, “Bums & Dogs”, “Amela’s School Holidays”. "Prometheus", "Nato" and "Markale".
Died in Sarajevo in 1996.